Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Women = Problem
Did any women cause you a problem before?
Did you suffer from any women?
Do you want to know that women is the pain reason?
I'll give you the mathemeatical proff for this delima :D
Monday, December 19, 2005
Yet another funny pics
I think posting pics is not related to blogging but it is a kind of because i am very busy!
I got this pic from my colleges :) it is a common feeling between all people all over the world. Every one suffer from his manager ;)
BTW i am not.
I think this will be fine after having a mean of Fool or Koshary ;)
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
cross browser !
Did you ask yourself before why my web site is not working on a certain web browser like Netscape or Opera?
Did you find that your web site looks different on FireFox?
Did you develop a web site on and test it on FireFox and customers told you that in IE there are many errors?
What are the reasons?
Who did that?
It is my first point of work right now ;)
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Google Arabic Spell checker soon
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Phone ringing!
MAN: "Hello"
WOMAN: "Honey, it's me. Are you at the club?"
MAN: "Yes"
WOMAN: "I am at the mall now and found this beautiful leather coat.
It's only $1,000. Is it OK if I buy it?"
MAN: "Sure, ..go ahead if you like it that much."
WOMAN: "I also stopped by the Mercedes dealership and saw the new
MAN: "How much?"
WOMAN: "$90,000"
MAN: "OK, but for that price I want it with all the options."
WOMAN: "Great! Oh, and one more thing ... The house I wanted last year is back on the market. They're asking $950,000"
MAN: "Well, then go ahead and give them an offer of $900,000. They will probably take it. If not, we can go the extra 50 thousand. If it's really a pretty good price."
WOMAN: "OK. I'll see you later! I love you so much!!"
MAN: "Bye! I love you, too."
The man hangs up. The other men in the locker room are staring at him in
astonishment, mouths agape.....
He smiles and asks: "Anyone know who this phone belongs to?...."
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
قواعد جديدة للسيارات في مصر فقط
قواعد جديدة للسيارات في مصر فقط
القاعدة الأولى:
لو عربيتك كبيرة أو قديمة، أستخدم المبدأ القانوني: اللي خايف على عربيته يوسع!!
ملحوظة: ابعد عن سكة العربيات المخرشمة ، بيسوقوا بنظرية ضربوا الأعور على عينه!!
القاعده الثانيه:
البوز بيز Booze Base: اللي يدخل ببوز عربيته الأول للتقاطع هو صاحب أولوية المرور!
احرص على أن تكون صاحب أول بوز.
ملحوظة: لا تطبق الـ Booze Base مع أي لوري أو أتوبيس، حرصاً على بوزك لا مؤاخذة.
القاعدة الثالثة:
الإشارات تكشف نواياك للأعداء، أياك أن تستخدمها!
القاعدة الرابعة:
لا تترك مسافة للأمان بينك و بين السياة التي أمامك فهذا له عدة مخاطر:
1. عربية ثانية حتملا الفراغ في ثواني و برضوه ما يبقاش فيه مسافة بينك و بين الي قدامك، كل الي كسبته انك اتأخرت لورا شوية.
2. حتدي فرصة للعيال يعملوا غرز قدامك.
3. كل المشاة حيغمضوا عينيهم و يعدوا من الحته دي.
4. الي وراك حيقعد يزمر - لو كان مؤدب - أو تسمع شوية أسامي حيوانات لو كان سواق تاكس - مؤدب - ، أو حيخبطك من ورا لو كان سواق ميكروباص - و دول مفيش حد منهم مؤدب -.
الإشارات مش معمولة علشان تنظم المرور ، معمولة علشان شكل القاهرة يبقى متحضر بس!
اعتمد على العساكر ( مع تحملك كامل المسؤلية لو واحد منهم شاورلك تعدي و بلدياته الناحية الثانية فتح السكة للوري ) أو يفضل أن تستعمل البوز بيز ( راجع القاعدة الثانية ).
القاعدة الخامسة:
اذا كنت مش واقف في الصف الأول في الاشارة اعمل حسابك تزمر بشكل متواصل و هستيري أول ما الأشارة تفتح، لأن الناس الي قدام بيبقوا واقفين في الاشارة من زمان و جايز جداً يكونوا ناموا!!
القاعدة السادسة:
معظم الحوادث تحدث في التقاطعات أول الأشارة ما تحمر، كل ما عديت الإشارة الحمراء أسرع كل ما قلت فرصة انك تتخبط!
القاعدة السابعة:
الشارع مكان مقرف، سوق بأسرع ما يمكن حتى تتخلص من هذا الهم بسرعة، الناس الي ماشيين بالراحة مرضى نفسيين بيستمتعوا بالعذاب ، يستاهلوا الي يجرى لهم.
القاعدة الثامنة:
من حقوقك الدستورية أن تركن أمام باب المحل الذي تريد أن تشتري منه، اذا سبقك واحد ابن ستين في سبعين و ركن قدام الباب، فمن حقك أن تقفل عليه و تركن صف ثاني أو ثالث، و مش مهم لو الشارع اتقفل، ايه يعني أما الناس تتعطل عشر دقائق علشان تستمتع بحقوقك الدستورية؟ هيا يعني الدنيا طارت ولا كان وراهم الديوان؟
القاعدة التاسعة:
من حقك أيضاً أن تخرج من مكان انتظارك في أي لحظة تشاء، اكسر الدركسيون شمال و اطلع، أي حد ماشي في الشارع لازم يقف لك فوراً، راجع البند السابق.
القاعدة العاشرة:
إحترس من ثلاث أنواع من السائقيين بيسوقوا و كأنهم مش ممكن يموتوا:
1. العيال الروشين الي بيلعبوا Computer Games و فاكريين إن ممكن يكسبوا Life زيادة لو ساقوا أسرع.
2. موتوسيكلات توصيل الطلبات ( Home Delivery ).
3. سواقين الميكروباص.
ملحوظة: إوعى تحاول تثبت لحد منهم إن فكرته غلط. فاهمني!!!.
القاعدة الحادية عشر:
لما تشوف حادثة لازم تهدي و تتفرج - مش مهم تساعد - الحجات دي دمها أخف من الأخبار المملة بتاعة التلفيزيون، و بعدين لما الطريق وراك يقف تحمي المجتمع من حادثة تانية.
القاعدة الثانية عشر:
الكناسين لازم يحللوا اللقمة الي بياكلوها، حاول تنفعهم و ترمي أي حاجة من الشباك.
القاعدة الثالثة عشر:
لما تخلص سيجارة أوعى تحطها في الطفاية، ارميها من الشباك أول ما تشوف واحد بموتوسيكل معدي جنبك ( علشان يحرم يعمل غرز ).
القاعدة الرابعة عشر:
من حقك أن تعبر الشارع في أي وقت و من أي مكان.
القاعدة الخامسة عشر:
اذا كان هناك سيارة قادمة اعمل نفسك مش واخد بالك و عدي براحتك خالص،ما تخافش، هوا حيقف، هو اهبل يدوسك و يودي نفسه في داهية؟
القاعدة السادسة عشر:
اياك أن تنظر نحو السيارات القادمة، أعبر الطريق و ظهرك لها حتى لا يشك أحد قائدي السيارات أنك تراه و يحاول يخوفك علشان تقف انت.
القاعدة السابعة عشر:
حتى لو شفته أوعى تخاف - خصوصاً لو معاك مراتك - تبقى راجل ملو هدومك و تخاف من حته عربية؟ عرض قفاك و سيبه يتفلق.
القاعدة الثامنة عشر:
الرصيف ليس للمشاه، بل لركن السيارات و فرشات الباعة الجائليين و المحلات... الخ، لذلك يحق للمشاة السير في وسط الشارع، لمزيد من الأمان، راجع القاعدة السابقة
القاعدة التاسعة عشر:
إذا كان الماشي من فئة النقل الثقيل، فمن أبسط حقوقة إنه يمشي على أقل من مهله و يهتز براحته. واللي مش عاجبة الهز يدور على لوري يخبطة...
Monday, November 14, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
صلاح الدين الأيوبى
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
Java by example
this link contains a set of java example classified by package.
JUnit, cactus, Ant
another wonderful things i am doing with java
it is JUnit testing framework http://www.junit.org/index.htm
and server side testing using http://jakarta.apache.org/cactus/
also Ant build tool http://ant.apache.org/
Java is rich thing
Thursday, October 06, 2005
EDS --> CMM L5
Yesterday IBM make a celebration after getting CMM l5 officially.
Also EDS willing to double the current company size ..
رسالة... شباب الخير
امبارح وانا راجع فى القطار ... كل ما القطار يتوقف فى محطة تجد العديد من الاطفال و الصبية يجويون القطار يوزعون بعض الماكولات قبل الافطار .. لان غالبا القطار طريقة طويل و فى ناس كتير فتفطر فى القطار.... و الشباب دول معلقين تعريف شخصية مكتوب عليه "رسالة... شباب الخير" .. كل سنة و انتم طيبين و جزاكم الله خيرا... تصوروا برده لما عدينا على المنوفية لقيناهم بيوزعوا... شفتهم الاسلام زى ما غير العرب القرشيين و خلع عنهم عادات الجاهلية... خلى المنايفة يوزعول أكل....!!!!و شكرا
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
Monday, April 11, 2005
Too busy
i am very very busy, so i can not keep writing my blogs
my todo list without perioritird "Mulithreading" as follow
- VOIP Corporate directory project release
- E1 router service activation implementation
- ESEA job fair preparation
- Lab control finalization
- Developing my own blogger with Drupal under linux
- Increase knowlage in solaris to keep uptodate with E1 router project
- Integrating OSS with thier party Solaris LDAP server using Java
- Prepare to J2ee Session
- Writing a white paper about the difference between EJP and DCOM
- Premaster preparation
- ceate IRC room for FCI-JUG (IRC)
- ESEA Site with drupal (Drupal)
initial phase done, Canceled
- Migration Tool to map the Oracle DB to LDAP Schema (Java, LDAP, Sun One Directory Server)
- Web Extractor Tool (Java)
-Mail sender (java mail)
-and many things done!! sob7an Allah
ma7adesh beyakolha bel sahel
ed3olya ya regala
Friday, March 25, 2005
Chat between 2 graduates from FCI-CU after 8 months !
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
#define HASHIM 0x00ccc
#Ahmed Hashim says:
NullPointerException in Function hazem ( Solider x)
#Ahmed Hashim says:
how r u man
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
elhamdo lelah
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
still alive
#Ahmed Hashim says:
what about ali?
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
still also alive
#Ahmed Hashim says:
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
how are u?
#Ahmed Hashim says:
al7amd lelal
#Ahmed Hashim says:
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
#define brb ?
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
undefined symbol brb
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
mov [brb],'?'
#Ahmed Hashim says:
final String brb = "Be Right Back";
#Ahmed Hashim says:
through IamBackException
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
I like that chat very much
#Ahmed Hashim says:
me too
#Ahmed Hashim says:
i will save it
#Ahmed Hashim says:
also we can use
System.out.println("i love you");
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
final boolean STATUS = true;
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
System.out.println("I Love U");
#Ahmed Hashim says:
it is infinite !
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
yes I mean it
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
Put that code in
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
void DisplayStatus( )
//Insert Code here ...
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
public class MyThread extends Thread
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
public void run( )
DisplayStatus( );
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
MyThread t = new MyThread( );
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
t.Start( );
No despair with Life and no life with despair ... says:
//so as to not hanging ...
#Ahmed Hashim says:
public static void main ( String args[])
Chat.sendTo( "fci-cs4@yahoogroups.com");
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العيال مخها ضرب من البرمجة
The Open CD
-Are you working with M$Windows?
-Have you a license?
-Are you working with M$Office?
-Have you a license?
-Are you using Winzip or winrar?
and the same in web browser, mail client, download manager, photoshop, editors, IDE's.. etc.
but actually not all people can use Linux which is free. But in my opinion all people can do without all this amount of proprietary software.
In US, the PC cost few but the software costs a lot.
In Arab, the PC cost a lot (e7na ghalaba) and every person work with SW which cost about 20,000 LE :) .
So, Our religion prevents us from stealing this SW's.
also the Law. Can you sister and brother try as you can to use FOSS* .
i am already now using FireFox and a lot of other Free SW
can you see this CD The Open CD
if you want any FOSS and can not download it like OpenCD, Ask me and i can download it for you.
i am very happy since i saw the Open Cd and download it.
do you know why? because i fell like i am a thief while working with this amount of stolen SW.
you should take care as much as you can in this point, as a Muslim.
and you should ask all your friends to have one slogan "No for Stolen SW, Yes for free SW"
Thank you.
*FOSS = Free/Open Source Software
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Is Egypt ready to go nuclear?
Is Egypt ready to go nuclear?
Ahmed Mostafa Hashim
Software Engineer
NTG Clarity www.ntgclarity.com
Member of www.esea-online.org
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Upgrade to Wife 1.0
Amr Ahmed Shawky, my dear friend sent me this advice :) which is not applicable those days
i am sorry amr i can not upgrade to Wife 1.0 because this will require a new License which i can not pay for it this period. Also my current hardware does not support Wife 1.0 , so i must get a new PC to use it me and Wife1.0 only .
this is Amr Message:
Last year a friend of mine upgraded from Girlfriend 4.0 to Wife 1.0
and found that it's a memory hog leaving few system resources for
other applications. He is also now noticing the Wife 1.0 is also
spawning Child-processes which are further consuming valuable
resources. No mention of this particular phenomenon was included in
the product documentation, though other users have informed me that
this is to be expected due to the nature of the application.
Not only that, Wife 1.0 installs itself so that it is always launched
at system initialization where it can monitor all other system
activity. Some applications such as PokerNite 10.3 , Bachelor Party
2.5, and Pubnite 7.0 are no longer able to run on the system at all,
causing the system to lockup when launched (even though the apps
worked fine before).
Wife 1.0 provides no installation options. Thus, the installation of
undesired plug-ins such as Mother-in-law 55.8 and the Brother-in-law
Beta is unavoidable. Also, system performance seems to diminish with
each passing day.
Some features my friend would like to see in the upcoming Wife 2.0:
* A "don't remind me again" button.
* Minimize button.
* Ability to delete the "headache" file
* An install feature that provides an option to uninstall 2.0
version without loss loss of other system resources.
* An option to run the network driver in "promiscuous mode"
allowing the the system's Hardware Probe feature to be much more
I myself wish I had decided to avoid all of the headaches associated
with Wife 1.0 by sticking with Girlfriend 3.0. Even here, however, I
have found many problems. Apparently you cannot install Girlfriend 4.0
on top of girlfriend 3.0. You must uninstall Girlfriend 3.0 first,
otherwise the two versions of Girlfriend will have conflicts over
shared use of the I/O port. Other users have told me that this is a
long-standing problem that I should have been aware of. Guess that
explains what happened to versions 1 and 2.
To make matters worse, the uninstall program for Girlfriend 3.0
doesn't work very well, leaving undesirable traces of the application
in the system. Another identified problem is that all versions of
Girlfriend have annoying little messages about the advantages of
upgrading to Wife 1.0!
All users should be aware that Wife 1.0 has an undocumented bug. If
you try to install Mistress 1.1 before uninstalling Wife 1.0, Wife 1.0
will delete MSMoney files before doing the uninstall itself. Once that
happens, Mistress 1.1 won't install and you will get an "insufficient
resources" error message. To avoid the aforementioned bug, try
installing Mistress 1.1 on a different system and "never" run any file
transfer applications(such as Laplink) between the two systems.
FYI: Don't even think about a shared directory!!!!!!!!!
Submitted to annoyances.org by Robert Wunderlich
Wife 1.0 Tech Support
Question To Tech Support:
Last year I upgraded Girlfriend 1.0 to Wife 1.0 and noticed that
the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot
of space and valuable resources. No mention of this phenomenon was
included in the product brochure.
In addition, Wife 1.0 installs itself into all other programs and
launches during system initialization where it monitors all other
system activity. Applications such as Boys Night Out 10.3, Poker night
10.3, Golf 2.5 and Saturday Football 5.0 no longer run, crashing the
system whenever selected. I cannot seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the
background while attempting to run some of my other favorite
applications. I also can't seem to purge Wife 1.0 from my system. I am
thinking about going back to Girlfriend 1.0 but uninstall does not
work on this program. Can you help me?
This is a very common problem men complain about but is mostly due
to a primary misconception. Many men upgrade from Girlfriend 1.0 to
Wife 1.0 with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a "UTILITIES &
Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and designed by its creator to run
everything. It is unlikely you would be able to purge Wife 1.0 and
still convert back to Girlfriend 1.0. Hidden operating files within
your system would cause Girlfriend 1.0 to emulate Wife 1.0 so nothing
is gained. It is impossible to uninstall, delete, or purge the program
from the system once installed. You can not go back to Girlfriend 1.0
because Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this. Some have tried to
install Girlfriend 2.0 or Wife 2.0 but end up with more problems than
original system. Look in your manual under Warnings - Alimony/Child
I recommend you keep Wife 1.0 and just deal with the situation.
Having Wife 1.0 installed myself, I might also suggest you read the
entire section regarding General Partnership Faults (GPFs). You must
assume ALL responsibility for faults and problems that might occur,
regardless of their cause.
The best course of action will be to enter the command
C:\APOLOGIZE as soon as lock-up occurs. In any case, avoid excessive
use of the ESC key because ultimately you will have to give the
APOLOGIZE command before the operating system will return to normal.
The system will run smoothly as long as you take the blame for all
GPFs. Wife 1.0 is a great program but is of very high maintenance.
Consider buying additional software to improve the performance of
Wife 1.0. I recommend Flowers 2.1 and Chocolates 5.0. Do not, under
any circumstances, install Secretary with Short Skirt 3.3. This is not
a supported application for Wife 1.0 and is likely to cause
irreversible damage to the operation system.
Thank you amr for your advice :P
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
انا حر
انا حر يا أخى
اكتب فى البلوج بتاعى براحنى
محدش يقولى الكلام ده ميصحش, الكلام ده مش مسموح بيه
سياسة الموقع لا تسمح
انا هكتب هنا اللى انا عايزة و اللى مش عاجبة يرد عليا :)